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Algorithmic Trading for TD Ameritrade & ThinkorSwim

Trading for Stocks, ETFs, Options & Forex

UltraAlgo now offer algorithmic trading directly to TD Ameritrade / ThinkorSwim (ToS) customers. Our algorithm is powered by 15 technical indicators with the ability to optimize patterns with the world's only one-click optimizer.

One-Click Trading Signal Optimizer (Powered with Artificial Intelligence) Our platform was designed for speed. It runs algorithms that also allow users to identify the best performing combination of settings at the click of a button. Optimization outputs can be tuned either for Profit Factor (percentage of wins) or Profits (realized returns). Leverage the same features that are usually reserved for HFT (High Frequency Traders).

TD Ameritrade Indicator

Options Trading

Options data to improve your understanding of the stock market, with a little help from artificial intelligence.

Open Interest

Low Ratio is Bullish | Select one expiry based on Open Interest (OI), which determines the level of activity. If it is stronger with call options, OI tends to indicate traders’ interest in buying—a bullish sentiment. If stronger with puts, it may be thought as a bearish sentiment.

Put-Call Ratio (PCR)

Similar to what happens with PCR in volume, PCR for Open Interest also shows market sentiment. If confirmed with other parameters, a low ratio tends to indicate a bullish sentiment – a high ratio shows a tendency to bearishness.

Maximum Pain

The expected price at the expiration date. Therefore, if maximum pain is greater than the current stock price, it is expected that the stock will rise (bullish stock). Otherwise, if it is less than the strike price, it suggests that the stock is expected to fall (bearish stock).

The most important for a day trader is to follow a strategy consistently. In our videos series, we cover various day trading strategies, focus on improving your overall performance. Our algorithm is designed to simplify the processing of identifying patterns, allowing traders to identify opportunities to buy and short various securities. UltraAlgo delivers clear buy and short signals on any security listed across all major exchanges (NYSE, NASDAQ, CBOE, TSX, LSE), including forex and crypto. A free trial is available at no risk.

To learn more about options, click here. Join our Community with over 18,000 active traders. Our team posts thousands of trading ideas daily covering both interday and intraday trading opportunities.

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